Boredom Bites

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    Thursday, May 14, 2009

    No Longer Homelss MAYBE?

    So I've received some good news from realtor and it looks like my dream place may become a reality! its 99% a go just waiting for the signed contract from the owner, once this is all done will send pictures of what it looks like.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    Any1 Out there?

    hey ya'll or na'll, I have been so busy with work and potential moving that I haven't had a minute to myself but just want to check in all is well I should hear soon about my housing situation! cross your finger!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    Happy Cinco De Mayo..on the 6th

    Sorry was so busy with work, sucks right? I didnt do anything but eat mexican food, do they run these commercials on the West Coast? I LOVE them! I dont even ind that they say "True genius Mexican Style". I mean I think a famous mexican invited like Rockets or something buttaco shells are cool too!

    Monday, May 4, 2009


    So I have had my baby girl Sugar Pie for ever (like 5-6 years I believe). For those who don't know Sugar pie is my pet snake and she is precious and is the longest relationship I have ever had (so sad I know). In all those years of having her, feeding her, and caring for her I have never seen her shed but rather just find the left over skin, well finally I caught It on tape at least the end part , AMAZING!

    The B Day is Over

    So I flew back from NYC last night, and now Monday May 4th I can honestly say my B Day is no more. It was a good one, not the BEST one but that's what 30 is for! It all started w a party here in FL w my friends at a drag show brunch, NOT ideally how I would have wanted to spend it, but it was a no brain er where all I had to do was show up! The next morning I flew to NYC where I had work meetings and what not but i did have a really nice dinner w a few close friends on my ACTUAL Bday and than some late nite drinks w my very cute friend! the rest of the week was busy hectic but finally on the weekend had time to sleep, shop and PARTY! it was a blast and now back to reality!

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    NYC-One more Nite, so sad!

    last night we went out had so much fun, we went to several bars and danced drank good times. today the weather is perfect its a little over cast and you just need a light jacket, much better than last night muggy humidity. Also Marilyn was nice of enough to give me a gift card to H&M so I HAVE to go DUH! SO all showered and dressed going to meet a friend from Los Angeles who happens to be here for lunch, cant wait its my kick off!

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    Happy BDay to me-It doesnt feel like my Bday tho?!

    So yes today is officially my birthday, but I have to admit it hasn't sunk in yet, maybe because I am in NYC and working it feels different. been getting tons of well wishes from my friends via, phone calls, texts, and Facebook, but none in person, YET! My Bday dinner is tonight and there should be a god turn out of close friends so I'm very excited. I miss my family and CA friends tho and wish I could go there for a BDay celebration as well. I'm opening an account called "30Bday" where I will be putting away $$ every paycheck for the BIG which I assure you WILL take place in CA! Hope my Bday wish comes true!

    Tnx Alice

    It seems shes my only reader since shes the only one that comments!

    Sunday, April 26, 2009

    The Moving Maylay...

    SO once again I am moving. That makes it the 3 time in less than a year. I lived a year and 3 months in South Beach in my own place, than I moved for like 1 month or 2 at Ana's, THAN I went to Ft Lauderdale and moved in with "The Buddies" lasted there 2 or 3 months than moved into my current place with Booger going on 5 months! INSANE! Well I don't care about the cost but I MUST and WILL live alone. I have some options. I was going to move into a small studio w no frills, BUT come to find that right now the nicer hi rise buildings along the bay OR the ocean are 200-300 MORE BUT, they include utilities, gym, pool, spas, valet I mean MAJOR amenities. So at the end of the day a 1000 studio after getting my own cable/Internet ($+100), Utilities ($+60) and gym member ship ($+80) it ends up being the same amount. Details to come! I'm really excited about this time around!

    Do you remember this? I made the comment "It makes my mouth water" and no one in FL knew what I was talking about. I'm not nuts right?

    Bea Arthur & My Bday

    So I am truly sorry for the loss of Bea Arthur. I LOVE the Golden Girls more than you can imagine. Even as a young kid I got a kick out of watching these old ladies live it up in Miami. I was sad when Estelle Getty passed, and now with Bea, even more so, I think what makes it harder is that they are older and its only a matter of time before the other ladies pass (I swear Betty White better me last). ON the subject of aging I'm going to be a year older next week, I am NOT happy about it. I will be 29 ONE YEAR away from 30! In college 30 was the magic number, when the career would be had, the fortune would be flowing and I would be living the life I want, well I cant super complain but I'm not where I want to be and its scary. Today we went to brunch at the fun drag queen cabaret, 17 of my friend showed up several driving a good 30 miles. I am so thankful and will NOT forget this kind act.

    Saturday, April 25, 2009

    housing drama

    what to do? I want to live the hi life! more to come

    KFC Chicken Grilled?

    NO! they need to stick to the orinial recipe that made them big, my tummy hurts now!


    I woke up a lil icky, not sure why becasue I got good sleep and ate before going to bed? Yes I'm drinking again, nothing major mind you but we did go clubbing and what not. So I look out my window and notcie something dark in the pool, I go outside and its our patio chair. I have to admit I think someone threw it in, becasue it hasnt been that windy and it was in the middle of the pool. should I be scared?

    Friday, April 24, 2009

    I got some Chongas kicked out of a movie!

    Chonga(noun): a hoodrat from FL, Miami area specific.
    So I went to see "17 Again" last night here in South Beach when this gaggle of girls tornado ed into the theatre. Armed with snacks they continued to be making loud unnecessary noise. These bitches had to be about 14-15 years old dressed like tramps. I swear if have a daughter there is no way that I would let her go to the movies with her friends at that age. Ugh let me go on more about ghetto people bc they are my favorite subject from afar. I mean what kind of parents don't teach their kids to behave in public? these girls were so loud and they were sitting on the LAST row. we could still hear them and everyone around was so annoyed. So right before the movie started me and this other mom and daughter combo went to complain. the usher kids came told them to hush and the girls said something like "cool man, you're cool we will" Than some other usher kids came (a relative I gather) trying to tell them to cool it. Well the movie began and just as Zac Efron was getting his mojo on, these bitches start to "fight" and everyone turns around to see them throw popcorn at each other and pull their Forever 21 tank tops. THAT'S IT! I went out got the same usher who was texting and told him to do something, and he stood there like "what are they doing?" I was like "excuse me? they are being disruptive tell them something or I'm asking for the GM!" I throw out some names bc hello I work w ALL the theaters in this part of the country (a lil douche I know) but it worked bc the usher came with 2 other managers in suits (that's how you know they are higher up). well these hoes had moved from the LAST row to the FRONT, while I was out, but the best part was when the other movie goers saw the managers EVERYONE pointed in the dark to the front row so they would know where to go, they yanked those little hoes back to the street corners where they belonged. PS the movie was really good!

    All about the Brits!

    No silly not the British, Britney Spears! So I came across this posting from my FAV blog D-Listed and its where at the most recent concert a piece of Britney's weave came off, I guess its not that impossible considering shes changing costumes and moving around. Ha ha I was driving into some parking lot in Fort Lauderdale and one the pavement was a black & red weave/wig sprawled out. oh if that cheap hairpiece could talk! In college I wanted to get corn rolls (DON'T ASK WHY), and I had this girl come to my room with fake hair that I bought at the hair shop to tie into my head. He did about a roll or two until I noticed that it pulled the hair back so far it looked like I was balding on my sides, NOT a good look. Also there was this adorable picture of Britney's sons not sure which one, but hes doing a Tyra worthy pose! This isn't gay at all but SUPER cute. I want my kids to pose like that for EVERYTHING. School pics, baseball team pictures, Christmas cards. I want hip and angles with smiles in the eyes!

    Thursday, April 23, 2009

    The Office Bathroom Bomber!

    Ok so this is an odd story not sure if anyone can relate, but you know you work in a professional environment with other "business" folks right. OK fair enough, keep that in mind. So a few months back our offices went green with the urinals and installed this piss pots that don't flush with water, so you basically pee in a basin and it goes down the pipe. Sounds great except our bathroom smell of piss, that water is needed to push it further! I mean its BAD. well to make matters worse there is someone in the office (male) that uses the toilet and then throws PAPER towels in it. I know this bc I will go in their to wash my hands and see this. I'm like "in what country do folks put thick paper towels that you grab from outside the stall into the crapper vs the toilet paper made available to you to the right?" insane right? Well the bathroom bomber struck again this time dumping something neon yellow and thick into the urinal, remember the ones with NO water, so there the mystery gunk is, (it looks like barf). Ugh so gross. So for all those folks who have employees who steal their lunch be greatful this is far worse!

    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    I will blog more

    hey folks if you read this let me know, I'm a little bit of an attention whore and I start thinking I'm typing this alone for no readers I will stop, this ain't no Anne Frank shit, it is not my secret diary, this is a forum of me to voice my one sided opinions and get feedback, I would like to share a little story that entertained me on my commute to work, When I was in the 4th grade we had to stand in front of the class and do a "current event" report like every week or so. It consisted of us clipping some newspaper article than reading talking about it (lame damn you public schools). anyways as you can imagine most everyone brought in the same clip because most parents would be watchful and would NOT allow their kids to bring clippings about murders or the economy (4th grade remember!?) so it was always something like an earthquake or a hurricanes. Well my folks worked and I did well in school so they left well enough alone. I would bring my reports from STAR magazine and I remember doing a current event on how Gary Coleman tried to run over his mother with a car for stealing his money. I was a hit, because Arnold Drummin was was cooler than any fucking Hurricane, take that IKE!

    4 u Rachel

    I have never eaten this but am now extremly curiosu, does the Olive Garden serve this?

    Saturday, April 11, 2009

    Easter Sunday

    what is everyone doing? I have no plans so I think I may buy a ham and eat it!


    if anyone reads this sorry for not writing I've been busy, doing nothing special but still its something. The past 2 days I have laid by the pool and gone swimming. I am not drinking so I find that there are alot less options for me. I mean I don't feel like going to a bar or a club you know. I will not drink until 4/25 when I celebrate my bday here in FL, than of course when I get to NYC for my real B day! what else what else...OMG so I came across this story with some stupid lady in Berlin jumped into the Polar Bear exhibit and was swimming towards them and than they decided to take bits out of her ass. No one knows why she jumped in but she lived HOW dumb!

    Tuesday, April 7, 2009


    Im crashing so tired and still have to drive home I need a treat, but alas WHAt I cant spend any money! Life is stinky poo. I leave you with an Easter Poem.

    Egg of life sitting in the sun
    rotting, reekiong, bubbling
    Egg of life what secrets do you hide
    stank of fart perhaps?
    Egg of life why do you taunt the children
    Hide, Hidden, Hide

    where have I been

    seriously this blog is too much work sorry for no updates but I don't even know who's reading it! Shout out to VAL & Rachel my fellow Blog competitor. I have been traveling so much no real stories bc its whirlwind and when I get home all I want to do is catch up on TV and sleep1 I hope to have some B Day story news soon! Even the roommate hasn't been an asshole! go figure!@

    Saturday, March 28, 2009

    Roomate Reort-This Just In~!

    After being out all week in NYC, I ran into fatty today and mentioned how my door is coming off the hinge, well he told me its becasue I slam it so much and that he "no longer is going to take it", what do you think that means? He is pathetic. I leave Mondaty to Vegas so I just have to put up with him a littel longer, it must be sad to be him.

    Monday, March 23, 2009

    NYC -Show me the bright lights!

    hey all I am in NYC again this week its been fun Monday with work but was able to get some fun afterwards, in my room right now relaxing. I was really excited I had my own massage chair in the room but I used it so much it hurts! haha oh well you better believe I will be using it tomorrow. stories to come I am sure, muah miss you all

    Friday, March 20, 2009

    SO buying THIS

    I Don't know what they sell, but if its good enough for Lindsay its good enough for me!

    Monday, March 16, 2009

    Sometimes folks need to stop being stupid

    so yeah Monday was pretty uneventful, just a long day of work stuff, nothing else though, hmmm sorry folks give me stuff to ponder

    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    Workin in the workout Sunday Funday

    So today was great! I did sleep until 1pm bc we went out last night and I got home at like 6:30am, I know crazy, its not usually like that but it was fun. So I get up and meet up with Danny and we play some tennis at his place. Tennis is my new thing! We sweat so much it was nasty, but agreed it was a great work out and we rewarded ourselves w Mexican food and margaritas!

    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    Blonde Ambition Review-Shitacious

    So I am THIS close to turning off Jessica Simpson's straight to DVD movie! The girl has shit for brains. I swear if I wasn't planning a nap this would turn off. Next up is Kill Bill!
    I give this movie 1 star out of 5, the one is a pity point. Girls got to eat!

    I'm in LOVE!!

    ok so I woke up this morning had my coffee and went to the gym, yes I now go to the gym again!!! I love it! Why you ask bc I am seriously like the cutest person there! OMG no joke about 90% of the guys are old and gross, so I be rocking that place. The other 10% are actually cute, anyways where was I going with this, oh yeah, so I went to Bath & Body right by my house in this mall (oh so about the mall it has a Mervin's, TJ Max, Ross, and Old Navy in it, I live in a poor neighborhood don't I?). Anyway so I go to get a refill candle of my favorite scent Orange Ginger (tnx Tracey!),and I meet HIM, the one, Jason! He's like the guy that works the register and he HAS to be gay right? I mean he works there, he had gay face, and he was cute and nice, HAS to be. Anyway we made VERY little small talk but still I know its meant to be. Well imagine to my surprise when I opened the bag there was a coupon for a free gift w a purchase of $10, coincidence or did he too fall in love?

    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Watchmen Review-Almost UN-Watchable, ALMOST

    HA ha do you see how I had that pun in the title, see the movie is called "Watchmen" so I was like, oh never mind. So Last night I went to see this movie. Hmmm, altho not shitacious and it didn't give my eye's diarrhea, I didn't exactly LOVE it. I actually red the Graphic novel and it did a good job of following it, a little too good, because the damn thing took me a week to read and I swear the movie felt that long. After trailers and all it was 3 hours! OK so what I liked. Yes there was penis, TON of penis. They showed his penis every chance they got. On the subject of men (men have penis') I was at the gym this morning looking all kinds of cute at 7am in my short gym shorts (I was working out legs, so you have to be able to see the muscles, DUH!) anyhooters, there was this guy, who was older and he was staring at me, I stared back, thought we had a moment but NO, even after doing some sexy squats near here, there was no actual speaking so I was like, "over you, I need a Mc Muffin!". Oh sorry back to the movie so yes you saw the blue guys penis. Right behind me this mother & son duo watched the film and it was creepy bc another thing about the movies is there is some pretty racy sex scenes. So in one sex scene like this owl guy is doing the girl hero and shes riding him on top, and than he lays her on her back and you can see his naked butt pushing in between her naked crotch, while she makes the "OOOOOh face!". I mean imagine watching that with your mom? Shit it was the only time he did stay quiet during the movie (he probably had a boner). So my review for this film is
    2.5 out 5 stars, if it werent for the sex & cock shots, I woudl say just wait for DVD.

    Thursday, March 12, 2009


    Has anyone tried this if it works let me know, I will buy it!

    Please Weigh In!

    Below are posted some questionable things tell me what you think?

    Are these little boys extremely talented? or is this just wrong? I get a weird feeling inside allowing little boys to prance around like that!

    Tell me you don't love those little things? Remember when you could get them in the Happy Meal? I had like ALL of them. I made my folks take me every Friday to get the new toy, I had it like that! Now the commercials are lame and so are the toys!

    OK i have to admit I don't completely hate this. I think the girls did pretty well considering you cant tell they are poor, jk middle class, they had the nice red velvet curtains!. But it was very witty and I enjoyed. However do you think these bitches got their ass kicked by the real deal back in school? Also who would win in a Chola vs Chonga fight?

    OK is this cute or what? This is the dog i want! But is it too gay? no no its just too cute!

    Thursday nite and keepin it tight

    Sorry no stories to share I think Im stayingin! Boo me!


    So I am still at work and its 7:30pm! Plus I'm hungry1 Sorry I havent had much news bites but I promise in the wekes to come I am heading out to NYC than to Vegas! So expect adventures. Actually my calendar is COCO bananas for exanmple...
    3/23-27 NYC
    3/30-4 Vegas
    4/13-6 Vegas AGAIN
    4/27-5/3 NYC
    5/6-8 DC
    5/18-22 NYC
    I have more dates than Britneys tour!

    Palin Pains

    So have you heard/read? So the one that got pregnant (out of wedlock) has ended her engagement (I'm sure it was their idea) to her baby daddy. Shocking I know I thought with all those morals and values and the help of Jesus, these 2 would have a chance! HMMM guess not.

    Parents MONITOR your DAMN kids!

    ok seriously I'm all for the young kids coming out and being who they are, BUT parents need to take away the webcams and camcorders from their kids or this will happen!

    If I did this on camera my mom would smack the shit out of for looking a fool and embarrassing the family, NOT CUTE!

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009

    Guess Who?

    I think my readers can figure it out! BC he is sue happy (no seriously he has told me he keeps a list of people he plans to sue-UGH\) so I will just post the link, Hay he keeps it public so its fair game right? OMG please be forewarned.

    The Roommate Report-Brr its cold in here

    Ugh so he strikes again, my loser of a roommate with no life has found yet another thing to bitch about. in the 2 seconds that we passed each there he informed me he was "going to do his own thing with the ice!", meaning he would buy his own bag of ice for his drinks, see the man likes his things cold, drinks, room etc, I think its because hes built like a polar bear size, hair and all so he needs it to keep him cool! So I was like "OK fine I will buy my own bag, and there can be 2 bags in the freezer", he flipped and said no, it wont fit and it would overflow (fatty thought I meant i was going to put my bag of ice in his cube bowl-YES he has a cube bowl, and an ice cream bowl, do you see a trend food is his friend, HIS ONLY friend!) So basically my roommate was telling me I'm not allowed to have ice in the freezer, what an idiot I hate him. I called the landlord bc I am so close to moving out, and he asked me to compile a list of things he does here's a glimpse...This guy is a freak and I sleep with my door locked bc of it, READERS if I go missing have them X-ray his belly!
    - Has told me numerous times I “like to slam doors”
    - Has instructed me make sure to close doors immediately upon entering for fear of geckos coming in the house
    - The AC runs 24/7 always cold in the house bc he likes it cold
    - I can NOT place ice in his ice bucket
    - Hid sink drains bc he is too lazy to removed them when washing dishes and doesn’t want to stick his hands in the “gross” water
    - Will not put away clean dishes
    - Barked at me for moving the chlorine tanks and told me “to ask before I do something”
    - Has texted me to come in “extra quietly” because he has tests
    - Make unwanted sexual comments to my friends
    - Barked at me for using his “ice cream bowl”
    - Has instructed me to turn off porch light if home because wasted electricity, Yet he runs the AC non stop and runs a fan in his room, when I mentioned that he said it was different.
    - After not washing my dish immediately upon finishing he asked me if I could clean it bc he doesn’t like going to bed with dirty dishes.

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    Happy B-Day Pisces!

    Want to give special shout out to my March B-Day buddies!!
    Kenny had a bad ass party at least according to the pictures!
    Moe is doing the Disney things and a brunch
    and Rachel for the first time In a long time is doing something for the big 3-0! I wish I could be there for all 3 but alas I am quarantine on America's penis which sounds much better I assure you. I remember meeting Kenny some odd 5 years ago when he was into Britney Spears & choreography (not much has changed), I've know Rachel since LMU days when we would torture her roommates cats (Online web cats, not the real deal), and Moe I've know for like 18 years when she WAS besties w my cousin. OH HAPPY BDAY TO ALL! Some facts about Pisces
    *Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people's problems than your own. You are not a decisive person and may change your mind many times. You are also a follower, but you do not always choose good leaders. Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away. Weak concentration skills can get you into trouble at school.

    Octo-Mom-is 8 times the crazy

    Ugh so did you hear home girl gets to move into some post pad in the OC seriously,m WHY? I also saw that this agency is going to give her and her babies 24/7 child care help and that normally the service would cost like 130k a month! what gives? I mean these kids should NOT be with this woman right? I also read in the STAR that the husband from Jon & Kate plus 8\was doing naughty things with college girls, hmmm see ladies don't have babies it ruins your life!

    Monday, March 9, 2009

    Britney is 4 Eva my girl after this

    By now you have ALL seen this but for those few friends of mine (the Amish kids I meet during rumspringa.. Anyhooters, after hearing this clip of my gurl Brits talking about her clit, well what can I say, I'm more proud than ever to be a fan! She speaks like we think! ">

    You MUST buy this!

    OMG seriously this things really works, you have to use it my skin feels great after each use!

    Margarita Monday...

    Today was long and I just finished work stuff and going to celebrate w friends at Margarita Mondays they are only $2.00! YAY, nothing like cheap tequila to liven the spirits!

    The Roommate Report

    OMG so as some of you may or may not know I have the most annoying roommate ever! I am now 100 times grateful for having lived with Alice, Xoch & Eric m Wade, not once did they ever annoy me as much as this ONE person. To give you some back story on him (altho he's not very interesting) he is an only child and very much behaves in that manner. He doesn't ask for things but rather tells you to do them. he literally whine like a 9 year old child! So from now on I will write up the RR (Roommate Report) and fill you in on his little antics. take for example the sink drain. A simple little contraption created I'm sure by the people of black & decker to prevent food particles from going down the pipes creating clog-iness. Well apparently my roommate doesn't like them because "he forgets to turn it, and the water rises up and gets gross and he has to stick his hand in it". So what does he do? He literally removes them and hides them from the pantry. After ruling out midgets coming into the house and taking them i asked him if he knew where they were he informed me "that he has taken them away". I asked if he could return them and he said more or less "I will put them back if you promise to remove them when done". Yes my roommate is so lazy he requires me to remove the sink drain that goes there for the reason of protecting the drain. OMG what a loser. More stories to come I ASSURE you!

    It's Monday not so Fun Day

    So I spent the bulk of Sunday in bed watching TV, I mean I did go out first and have lunch w my friend but than came home because I had nothing to do. I find this to happen to me ALOT! I need a hobby, suggestions please!

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    eating clam chowder

    its very yummy! SEE all the great things you will read in my blog!

    Starting Fresh-the Sobe Socialite is dead!

    Hey guys started a new blog with a new name, because I get lonely some times but this way I can talk to many at one time, YAY me!

    Roe Vs Wade..Whats your stance on abortion?

    Would You Rather be...?

    Do you want to see Watchmen MORE bc they show penis?