Boredom Bites

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    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    I will blog more

    hey folks if you read this let me know, I'm a little bit of an attention whore and I start thinking I'm typing this alone for no readers I will stop, this ain't no Anne Frank shit, it is not my secret diary, this is a forum of me to voice my one sided opinions and get feedback, I would like to share a little story that entertained me on my commute to work, When I was in the 4th grade we had to stand in front of the class and do a "current event" report like every week or so. It consisted of us clipping some newspaper article than reading talking about it (lame damn you public schools). anyways as you can imagine most everyone brought in the same clip because most parents would be watchful and would NOT allow their kids to bring clippings about murders or the economy (4th grade remember!?) so it was always something like an earthquake or a hurricanes. Well my folks worked and I did well in school so they left well enough alone. I would bring my reports from STAR magazine and I remember doing a current event on how Gary Coleman tried to run over his mother with a car for stealing his money. I was a hit, because Arnold Drummin was was cooler than any fucking Hurricane, take that IKE!


    1. This is how you KNOW that the true core of who we are is formed at an early age. Of COURSE Xtian was reading Star, and of COURSE he thought this would be a great current event!

      Hilarious!!!! I wish I went to school with you back then. We would have been fast friends!

    2. hahaha! it wasn't jus public school, us catholic kids had to do it too!
      by the way love the blog xtian!


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