Boredom Bites

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    Saturday, April 25, 2009


    I woke up a lil icky, not sure why becasue I got good sleep and ate before going to bed? Yes I'm drinking again, nothing major mind you but we did go clubbing and what not. So I look out my window and notcie something dark in the pool, I go outside and its our patio chair. I have to admit I think someone threw it in, becasue it hasnt been that windy and it was in the middle of the pool. should I be scared?

    1 comment:

    1. I'll bet it's by a teen male, who won't take well to your.... authority.

      Don't know if you were specifically targeted, or he just grabbed what was there by chance. (He was drunk or high? Any case, frat-boy behavior.)

      So go by just the available evidence without connecting yourself personally to it. Adjust your opinion as new info comes about *who* did it, if you know each other, if it happens again (or something similar).

      Otherwise just dismiss it as isolated bad luck - unless there's more to this that you're realizing.

      -Wyn (or maybe not - cuz I'm anonymous)


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