Boredom Bites

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    Friday, March 13, 2009

    Watchmen Review-Almost UN-Watchable, ALMOST

    HA ha do you see how I had that pun in the title, see the movie is called "Watchmen" so I was like, oh never mind. So Last night I went to see this movie. Hmmm, altho not shitacious and it didn't give my eye's diarrhea, I didn't exactly LOVE it. I actually red the Graphic novel and it did a good job of following it, a little too good, because the damn thing took me a week to read and I swear the movie felt that long. After trailers and all it was 3 hours! OK so what I liked. Yes there was penis, TON of penis. They showed his penis every chance they got. On the subject of men (men have penis') I was at the gym this morning looking all kinds of cute at 7am in my short gym shorts (I was working out legs, so you have to be able to see the muscles, DUH!) anyhooters, there was this guy, who was older and he was staring at me, I stared back, thought we had a moment but NO, even after doing some sexy squats near here, there was no actual speaking so I was like, "over you, I need a Mc Muffin!". Oh sorry back to the movie so yes you saw the blue guys penis. Right behind me this mother & son duo watched the film and it was creepy bc another thing about the movies is there is some pretty racy sex scenes. So in one sex scene like this owl guy is doing the girl hero and shes riding him on top, and than he lays her on her back and you can see his naked butt pushing in between her naked crotch, while she makes the "OOOOOh face!". I mean imagine watching that with your mom? Shit it was the only time he did stay quiet during the movie (he probably had a boner). So my review for this film is
    2.5 out 5 stars, if it werent for the sex & cock shots, I woudl say just wait for DVD.

    1 comment:

    1. blue penis and porn?! and it only got 2.5 stars.. hmmm


    Roe Vs Wade..Whats your stance on abortion?

    Would You Rather be...?

    Do you want to see Watchmen MORE bc they show penis?