Boredom Bites

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    Thursday, May 14, 2009

    No Longer Homelss MAYBE?

    So I've received some good news from realtor and it looks like my dream place may become a reality! its 99% a go just waiting for the signed contract from the owner, once this is all done will send pictures of what it looks like.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    Any1 Out there?

    hey ya'll or na'll, I have been so busy with work and potential moving that I haven't had a minute to myself but just want to check in all is well I should hear soon about my housing situation! cross your finger!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    Happy Cinco De Mayo..on the 6th

    Sorry was so busy with work, sucks right? I didnt do anything but eat mexican food, do they run these commercials on the West Coast? I LOVE them! I dont even ind that they say "True genius Mexican Style". I mean I think a famous mexican invited like Rockets or something buttaco shells are cool too!

    Monday, May 4, 2009


    So I have had my baby girl Sugar Pie for ever (like 5-6 years I believe). For those who don't know Sugar pie is my pet snake and she is precious and is the longest relationship I have ever had (so sad I know). In all those years of having her, feeding her, and caring for her I have never seen her shed but rather just find the left over skin, well finally I caught It on tape at least the end part , AMAZING!

    The B Day is Over

    So I flew back from NYC last night, and now Monday May 4th I can honestly say my B Day is no more. It was a good one, not the BEST one but that's what 30 is for! It all started w a party here in FL w my friends at a drag show brunch, NOT ideally how I would have wanted to spend it, but it was a no brain er where all I had to do was show up! The next morning I flew to NYC where I had work meetings and what not but i did have a really nice dinner w a few close friends on my ACTUAL Bday and than some late nite drinks w my very cute friend! the rest of the week was busy hectic but finally on the weekend had time to sleep, shop and PARTY! it was a blast and now back to reality!

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    NYC-One more Nite, so sad!

    last night we went out had so much fun, we went to several bars and danced drank good times. today the weather is perfect its a little over cast and you just need a light jacket, much better than last night muggy humidity. Also Marilyn was nice of enough to give me a gift card to H&M so I HAVE to go DUH! SO all showered and dressed going to meet a friend from Los Angeles who happens to be here for lunch, cant wait its my kick off!

    Roe Vs Wade..Whats your stance on abortion?

    Would You Rather be...?

    Do you want to see Watchmen MORE bc they show penis?